Alipur Hydropower Project, Prefeasibility Study Report (7.0 MW).
Project Name:
Alipur Hydropower Project, Prefeasibility Study Report (7.0 MW).
Location Country/ Province/ Division:
RD 271+654 QB Link, Qadirabad-Balloki, Punjab, Pakistan.
M/S Din Power Private Limited
Implementation Start / Expected Completion:
December, 2007 to March, 2008
During this study it reveals that development of a hydel project by utilizing the fall available at RD 271+654 and RD 304+984 was considered by combining the head available at two sites. The proposed project is located at RD 276+861 downstream of RD 271+654. The location selected on the basis of desk studies. The discharge available is 527 m3/s and gross head 2.54 m. Having a plant capacity of 7.0 MW with available energy generation of 54.75 GWh, an estimated plant factor is 89.3 %. The powerhouse will be constructed in by-pass arrangement. Four Pit type Kaplan double regulated turbines are selected. The power plant will be equipped with necessary electrical and mechanical equipment required for safe and robust operation.